Monday, April 27, 2009

The catch

The secret to a successful swim stroke, or so I'm told. I think I nailed it today. Briefly though, so briefly that I'll probably forget it by the time I'm done eating whatever snack I will be eating in 20 minutes time.

Writing from the phone on the train is fun.

Hit the pool today after a multi-week hiatus. No reason for the break really. Definitely not overtrained. Rain was the blame last week. Probably laziness the week before.

I realize now that I will need at least 2 days per week in May in order to do remotely well come the first race in June. I will need to stay downtown Wednesdays as well and train home to accomplish this. I don't want to give up my long Saturday ride, nor do I want to swim on Friday nights. Such is the trouble with swimming in Toronto: shitty hours. Certainly not going to swim in the lake anytime soon. The pollution isn't even the issue. That motherfucker is cold! I threw my dog in last week and she still hasn't forgiven me.

I think I'll try to bike tomorrow, but we'll see. My left as cheek hurts like hell when I walk and I might need a day off to recoup. That or a nice ass massage.

Will need to see what the girlfriend is up to.

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