Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Race One

I wish that would have said "Race Won," but there's still time.

Good race on Sunday. Up early (5am), out of the house by 6:20, at the race by 8am with an hour to spare. I've been to a few of these races put on by John Salt and they're well run, simple affairs. Get bib number, get bib, get bag, poop, wetsuit on, start race. Nice and simple.

The more of these I do, the calmer I am before the start. I was more nervous the night before, wondering how things would go, than I was 5 minutes before the start, warming up in the water. Calm like still water.

The swim was respectable. I've been in the water more this year so far than all of last year combined, and it showed. Only a 2:00/100m pace, but better than the 2:40 I did at the first race last year. Went by pretty fast too which was nice.

Came out strong, put on shirt, and off I went. Wind at the back for the first bit and the last bit, and a headwind the rest of the time. Still passed many who came out of the water before me. Finally started getting passed by the 40+ guys who started later near the end of the bike. That was ok though; some of them were pretty ripped. Did the ride in about 53 mins, average speed around 32kph. Not too shabby.

Run started rough, but a quick water and stop at the first aid station before 1km and I was good to go. Running legs came out of nowhere and I was off. Good, smooth run on nice soft dirt. Finished really hard and felt awesome crossing the line. Nice to be back Johnny!

Lakeside was a great venue. The lake rocked (aka didn't taste like Cryptosporidium) and the roads were quiet. I'll come back for sure.

Binbrook next weekend. Get to see if I improve over last year...

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