Monday, May 25, 2009

Putting down the hammer

It's been maybe two weeks since the last update. I was met with frustration when an old forgotten injury made itself known again; a sharp pain in my right buttocks. It almost feels bone related sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it's some type of wired muscle cramp. In any case, the last time it happened it was fixed by using my arch supports which I had until then been neglecting.

It worked this time as well. I wish I didn't have to use them only because they make my shoes heavy and I feel like the alter my foot stroke. However, being able to run without excruciating pain is more important so the supports are back to stay.

Otherwise things are hard. Hammered on the bike for two days last weekend, maybe for an hour at a time. Did a good run or two as well. This weekend I rode across town to Lesley St laying down the hammer the entire way. It was very good. I did a brick run shortly after arriving home that felt good until, two minutes from home, both of my quads cramped simultaneously. I hobbled home a destroyed old man.

Remember: drink Gatorade on the bike. It will save you.

Swimming tonight and hopefully a couple of short hard runs and rides throughout the week. First race is less than two weeks out now so things are coming to a head. I feel pretty good overall though so hoefully I will surprise myself on the 7th.

Plans are being pushed to get back to Vancouver in the next two months. That would cut short my triathlon season here, but I would possibly be able to do the Vancouver triathlon and possibly the new half iron too!

I look forward to running the seawall again.

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