Monday, May 4, 2009

Finding my inner Nemo

Another monday another swim. Wanted to avoid it a bit but I know I'm all but fucked if I don't get more swimming in before the race season starts. Besides, if I'm going to treat my job with blah, I had better treat my sports with some drive and determination.

I have decided that even though I may only get 20 or 25 minutes of swimming in on a given day, its better than nothing. Most of my race swims will only be that long anyway so good focused effort on these swims should provide sexy race day results.

Today's swim felt particularly good. The first few laps we're just phenomenal and I was shocked by how fast the bottom of the pool flew by. I tired fairly fast, but that initial burst made me hopeful that my old form was coming back. I felt pretty fluid through the rest of the swim and ended on a high note which always rocks.

Will try really hard to live up to my personal promises and get in the water again on Wednesday, to try once more to find (and keep) that elusive Nemo.

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